Dear Teachers Everywhere,
I know many of you are probably counting down the days until summer. Don’t Lie. We’ve all done it. Maybe this is the school year that has you questioning why you became a teacher. You have THAT class this year. Behavior problems. Lack of parent support. Maybe lack of administration support. You are up to your elbows in things to do and the list keeps getting longer.
We as educators have all been there (and may be there now). You feel over-whelmed. Not all of your students are where you want them to be academically. Maybe you aren’t getting along with a team member. Your evaluation didn’t go as planned. You have a parent that just doesn’t have a nice word to say about you.
Maybe you raised your voice more today that you would have liked. You didn’t have the *perfect* lesson today. You ran around trying to make copies because you used your conference time to call a parent or went to an ARD meeting. You forgot to email a parent or team member back.
Perhaps you have a student (or three) in your class this year that leaves you crying at the end of the day. You can’t quite put your finger on why their behavior is the way it is. You haven’t made that connection yet. You don’t how to make it better and your patience is fading quickly.
Maybe you are considering staying at home next year. You have new baby on the way or You have supplemental income that will allow you to stay home. You don’t know the best way to tell your administration or team in fear that they will be “mad” at you. You’re juggling with the thoughts of should you stay or should you leave?
Jealousy. Tell me it doesn’t happen in the workplace and I’ll call you a liar. It’s sad….but it’s there. Teachers are trying to “out-do” another teacher. Teachers are marching up to the administration to gloat about themselves or to make another teacher not look as good. Teachers are bashing other teachers because they are jealous. Some teachers have yet to understand that by working together you could achieve more success than ever before…. instead of trying to compete against one another.
To the first year teachers….. I’m sure you are about to jump for joy after completing your first year of teaching. and you should. You are in the greatest profession out there. Give yourself a pat on the back because I know this year wasn’t your easiest!
Guess What?! Each and every single day that you step into your classroom… YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You have a room full of students that absolutely adore you. Many want to be you. Some already think of you as the greatest influence in their life right now. You were chosen to have this specific group students and you have to give them your everything! A simple smile in the morning. Greet them. Let them share something special. Look at them when they speak. Acknowledge them. It doesn’t take much. I know all of the stuff above happens in a school and sometimes we feel worthless. We feel like we don’t matter. YOU MATTER. You matter to your students.
I’ll be the first to admit….Everything mentioned above is something that describes some point in my ten year teaching career.
So as you head into the last weeks of school…. the home-stretch I like to call it…. think of the reason we come to school each day. It’s not for the paycheck. It’s not to be overwhelmed or to see another teacher that we may not be the best of friends with…. it’s for the kids. Make every day count until the last day.
Just trust me when I say…. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Teachers should support every other teacher. We are the only ones who know how demanding, yet rewarding our job is. No one else will understand a teacher…. except a teacher. So teachers…… YOU GOT THIS!
A teacher who has been there before!
This is a great article. I wish I had it a few years ago!
Reading with Mrs. D