I know it’s like this at this point of the year every.single.year…. but I think I honestly forget just how CRAZY my babies can be in the classroom!
I’m a pretty patient person but these last few days I am pretty sure I am teaching only about 3 kids. (at least that’s what it feels like).
Am I the only one re-directing every 4.7 seconds, pulling out all the tricks in my bag as well as my hair, and still feeling wiped out at the end of the day?! Please tell me it isn’t just me!
I knew I had to come up with something new that would hopefully get them to settle down *just* a bit. I mean… we have state testing coming up for our older grades, which means we are LOCKED down into our rooms the entire day (multiple days!), with indoor recess, no PE, and they are stuck ALL.DAY with me! Something needs to be done!
I just wanted to share a few ideas that you can use for whole group, small/table groups, and even for individuals!
Let me just say….I am no expert at this…. I’m just trying to find something simple, yet effective for these last two months!
I LOVE LOVE the Sunshine Surprise idea! Can you provide the template. My kiddies have had Spring Fever since FEB!