The first two words of this titled post…. describe the glorious week that has just begun! That’s right… this Texas gal is officially on Spring Break!
February was probably one of the craziest months for me personally as I felt like I didn’t have a second to breathe or relax. Both of my children were sick at some point, one ending up with hospital care, two funerals in the family, 10 presentations at two different conferences that I presented, plus still teaching full time, trying to be a wife here and there, and of course a mom! Let’s just say…. I’m pretty excited for Spring Break to arrive!
I know my students were just as excited for spring break to begin….. BUT… I also know that research says when a student misses a week of structured learning, that they will actually lose some of their academic knowledge (which we already knew!)
Sooooo…. I created a little Spring Break challenge for my Kindergarten Kiddos! Now… this is completely optional for them, BUT, it does come with rewards!
I created a one-week Spring Break Challenge calendar that has three activities per day. These activities are pretty simple, however their parents must sign that they completed them. AND to make sure that students *actually* complete the activities (this may come as a surprise…. but parents DO sign off on things their children never did!) Shocking…I know 😉 I have included an activity that must be completed and TURNED in the week they come back.
So while they have three activities a day, only one activity from each day will have a turn-in activity.
When my students return the following Monday after Spring Break, if they have anything signed off, they will of course get a prize or reward. BUT I have offered the Complete Challenge for students who DO complete the entire calendar and turn it in on the next Monday.
Each student that turns in a COMPLETED calendar will receive the GRAND PRIZE from me!
For me personally, I am doing a Lunch Party with ME! We’ll eat lunch in the classroom, have a movie going, and have FUN!
You can of course come up with your own Grand Prize that fits your class and students!
A quick look at the calendar:
You can grab your copy of this Spring Break Challenge by clicking HERE OR by clicking on any of the pictures above!
Now…. off to relax (and probably get some work done!)
Hi Jessica, I couldn't get the link to work for the free Spring Break Challenge. Can you please help? Thx so much for offering this great activity!
Oops! Never mind! The link is working:-)) Thx so much Jessica!