I’ve been browsing Social Media and I’ve seen SO many beautiful classrooms, teachers prepping for the back-to-school craziness, and some even already with their students back in school!
It’s that time…. Time for the sweet smell of brand new crayons, students showing off their new backpacks and meeting new friends, freshly sharpened pencils, and the big smiles on our new student’s faces.
We as teachers plan and prep most of the summer, getting our classrooms ready to meet and greet the faces for the new year, planning the first day lessons, and making sure our students will have the best welcome into the new year.
After that… things get kinda fuzzy. Some teachers are already planning well into the school year, but for most teachers, we take the first week on with a vengeance, and then proceed with caution the rest of the school year when it comes to planning and prepping.
When I begin to plan my weeks, I begin with the first part of my day…. morning work. This year, students will have a ten minute window in the classroom from first bell to tardy bell. I *REALLY* want to make the most of every single minute with my kinder babies…. and Morning work should be NO different!
So often I’m still running around in the mornings, preparing activities for the day, grabbing me a snack and drink, fighting traffic to get there on time, getting my OWN child ready for class, talking to a parent, and whatever else gets thrown our way in the morning! I’ll be the first to admit that my students are often left sitting at their tables for morning work and I’m saying…. “Share your favorite thing from yesterday” while I run around to finish preparing #guilty
I can also add to that guilty statement… that I will run some copies of busy work…. and they will usually find themselves in the trashcan at a later time. Please tell me I’m not alone with this morning work pattern…..
Well that is about to change in my classroom!
Morning work doesn’t have to be boring and filled with fluff to pass the time! It’s time to make the most of our mornings!