Hello sweet friends!
And…..an apology to my neglected blog! I almost had to search for a “How-To” book on blogging….I almost forgot how!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with their family and friends!
Down here in Texas the flu is supposedly going around like wildfire! I am praying we all stay healthy this winter! Jaxon ended up with strep throat AGAIN….and now we have to see the ENT! (He has had it 5 times since April….not looking to promising!) Luckily we have an amazing ENT since both boys have had ear tubes and infections their whole life!
Being off for Christmas break will hopefully allow me to get a few of my things crossed off of my to-do list! Starting with some of my TpT projects…..
I finally finished my Interactive Math Notebook for Winter (Grade 1)! I am so excited to start using this when we get back!
It features multiple templates and activities for 8 different concepts (addition to 10, addition to 20, subtraction, fact families, place value, time, money, and odd/even number patterns)
Love your interactive math notebook for winter! Excited to use it when we return from break!