I love Sunday nights….but I dislike them just the same! The weekend is over. Time with my family is over. But…I also get ready for my other family….my other 20 children 🙂
This past week we put our Halloween centers into full swing! I love the holiday season because it’s so easy to create a theme! We will continue with our Halloween centers this week and the students are so excited!
I don’t really do the exact “Daily 5” in my class, but I do have my own center rotations and guided reading block that I make fit with my kiddos!
When a group gets to the “Literacy Tubs” this is what they see:
Lucky for me….I have 5 groups with 4 students in each….so my numbered tubs work perfect (for now!)
Each student within the group will get a different “tub” of activities. They will take the entire tub to their seat to complete the center.
Inside the tub includes the center pieces and activity as well as the recording sheets.
Our fun centers these two weeks look something like this:
All of these activities are skills that we have worked on over the past few weeks and should be independent for most of my friends!
You can grab your set of these centers by clicking the picture below! The packet includes 8 literacy centers total! (They are on sale too!!)
In Math we have been skip counting our little hearts out! Most students will get 10’s….and quite a few will get 5’s, but it seems like each year, the 2’s will get the best of some of these little guys! So…. I wanted to come up with a fun theme and a fun way to do skip counting this year….
So we went on a little space adventure with our friends….
Tommy, Fran, and Teddy!
Each friend introduced us to their skip counting pattern, starting with Tommy!
Tommy informed us that to help us count by twos, we could always use our shoes! So we did just that…
(of course we left our shoes off the entire Math time…which they LOVED!)
We looked at our pattern on a 120’s chart… and made our own friend Tommy to help us with our twos.
Tommy also helped us fill in our booklet….
Our calendar board will also include Tommy from now on with his own skip counting cards….all the way 120!
All of these activities are included for 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s!
You can blast off into space with our friends by clicking the picture below!
Why not give it away for FREE….
Leave a comment below and tell me if you would want the Halloween centers or the Space counting adventure packet….I will pick two random winners this week to win them!
Off to finish planning and watch a little Sunday night football!
Have a great week!!
Omg! I am in LOVE with the Space Counting Adventure Pack!!
Kimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
I would love your Skip Counting Space Adventure Pack! It looks perfect for my little "froggies"!
How fun is your skip counting pack?! Love it!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
I so needed this resource last week! I have bought several of your resources before and they have been such a hit! This is now in my cart for next year!!!
I love both of these packets! I have just come upon your blog and really like it and have used some of your great ideas! Thanks for helping to make teaching a little easier 🙂
Wonderful packet!
I have been following your TpT store for awhile now and never knew or pay attention to the fact that you had a blog! This is my first time here and I checked it out and I am loving it
I am a new follower
Pocket Full of Kinders