This post includes information about AWESOME prizes and the opportunity to bring back the best gift of all…… TIME for you!
We have officially hit THAT point in the school year where we see light bulbs turn on in student brains, we realize we have a much shorter time to see strides and gains in student learning, and we are collecting data to increase our intentional instruction for each student in the classroom!
There are SO many ways to collect that oh so important data on our students…. but let’s face it…. time is precious and we need to maximize the time that I do have with my small groups for learning.
Many of you are familiar with ESGI (Educational Software for Guiding Instruction)! It’s an online assessment tool to use for you and your students to collect and interpret data immediately! ESGI is saving teachers (including myself!) OVER 400 HOURS a year! That’s HUGE!
If you are NOT familiar with ESGI…. continue reading on to see just how easy it is to use for your student data, parent conferences, and intentional planning of your instruction! (AND A CHANCE TO WIN SOME VERY COOL PRIZES!)
ESGI has HUNDREDS of assessments already included in the program that you can choose from. (Pre-K – 2nd grade!) Whether you are assessing letting sounds, rhyming, numbers to 20, sight words, or any other standard you teach… there are assessments already created for YOU!
Need a specific assessment (for a particular student, specific sight word list, etc…) – you can easily create your own assessment on the program as well!
When you create an account (more details below!) you will simply insert your students into the homepage! These names will appear on the left side of your ESGI homepage and you can then click on each student to see their individual data and performance on assessments. (see below)

You can use a computer, laptop, or an ipad!
The assessments are in the format where the question or task displays on the screen and the teacher will have yes/no buttons to click and advance to the next question. When the assessment is complete, all the data instantly saves!
There are multiple ways that you can give the assessment.
- Students can simply give the answer orally.
- Students can use manipulatives if necessary to answer the question. (math assessments – can show or represent the number instead of just saying the number)
- Students can match or provide the answer in written form.
See examples below:

Once the assessments are complete… then comes the FUN part (and best part!) – You now have the data you need to intentionally plan instruction for each student.
You can see the data for each student individually – OR – as the class as a whole!

The picture above shows data for letter identification for the entire class. I can see what letters are answered correctly most often… and which letters are a struggle as a whole group.
How do I use this? When it came time to teaching the letters whole group – if I had 16/19 students (or more!) that already knew that letter – I am NOT going to spend 3-5 days teaching that letter. I could use that time to intentionally work on other areas that my students DO need practice with.
I can then take that small group of students and work on those specific learning targets in a small group!
The best part – I can print the information for parents immediately!

When I meet with parents – this information shows exactly how the student performed (correct and incorrect)

ESGI also provides flash cards for any incorrect information to send home or use in small groups as needed to teach that information!

These cards can be used for quick reviews, fun and engaging games, home practice, and placed into a center or station as needed!

Do you meet with your team or administration to discuss your data? Administrators can also use ESGI as well!!!

Still not convinced that you NEED this in your life? You can administer ESGI anytime and anywhere! What used to take 2-3 weeks of one on one assessments… I get done in ONE day (2 AT THE MOST!)

(This deal is good February 9 – 16, 2019)
If you sign up for your free 60 day trial and use the code:
you will be entered into winning a $500 AMAZON GIFT CARD!!!!!!!
IF you PURCHASE during this week (not just sign up for the free trial) USING the code: JessicaBonkers
then you will receive:
- Entered to win the $500 Amazon gift card
- $40 off your purchase
I MEAN…… HELLO!!!!!!!!
You need ESGI in your life!!!!!!! You will go BONKERS for ESGI. I promise… your time is precious… if gives you EVERYTHING you need to successfully plan instruction for your students (whole group, small group, and individually)
Go to: www.esgisoftware.com and sign up now using the code:
JessicaBonkers to get the above prizes!!!!!
Please let me know if you have ANY questions – or contact ESGI – their service is AMAZING!!!!
It’s time to finish our your school year…… the RIGHT WAY …. which is the ESGI way!