Happy Friday!
This week literally……FLEW BY! We did all of our parent conferences this week and had a lot of testing, so it was stressful at times, but very productive!
We also celebrated ELECTION DAY (and the 50th day of school already!)
We did many of the activities from my ELECTION DAY packet, which was a best seller for 4 weeks! (Thank you!)
We read Duck for President, and of course had a class election! Duck won by a landslide!
Later in the day, we had finished reading some more GREAT election day books! We read “Grace for President” and “My Teacher for President”. We created our ballot to have 3 candidates (Duck, Grace, and Mrs. Travis (me)
This time Mrs. Travis won by a landslide…. however someone still voted for duck! Ha!
My firsties had a blast as we set up our little voting station in our classroom and voted in privacy one at a time! We also completed other activities in the packet {If I were President writing activity, a President application, our voter registration cards, and making a web of qualities that a great president has!}
This next week, we will be starting a new grading period and I have made a lot of changes in my classroom! We will be starting all new Literacy centers this week, so I will have to post how this turns out and what the students think!
I have made new phonics cards for my class, as my old ones were missing some of the sounds and the pictures needed to be updated! We go through these phonics cards everyday at calendar and the beginning of a guided reading lesson! It is amazing how it really sticks in their minds! They will come to a word while reading and know the sound instantly! LOVE IT!!
The set includes blends, digraphs, short vowels, long vowels, vowel pairs, and more!
You can grab your FREE set by clicking the picture below!!
Have a great weekend!!
Thank you for sharing this great *freebie* Jessica. I just left you some feedback. =)
I am happy to be your newest follower and a Texas teacher too! I love your cute blog design. If you get the chance, I would love for you to hop over and visit me. =)
Heather's Heart