Happy Saturday Sweet Friends!
BUSY is really the only way to describe the past few weeks and the reason for my neglected blog!
Between Open House, testing, sick baby (who had a ruptured ear drum!….can you say sleepless nights!), and just absolutely no time…. I think I can finally relax and breathe now! (Thanks to Spring Break! Woo Hoo!)
So this past week we had our annual Open House, and with the change of curriculum this past year, we needed to do something new! I chose to do Charlotte’s Web, because it is one of my all-time favorite books! I usually read the book at the beginning of the year to my class, but with maternity leave this year, I wasn’t able to read it….until now!
These past few weeks have been filled with Main Idea, Contractions, Compound Words, Writing, and much more!
To begin running a farm…we of course needed a farmer! My little firsties filled out their “Farmer Application” and they were SOOO cute!