Happy Hump Day sweet friends!
This week has definitely been packed full of activities (and it’s only half way over!)
Yesterday was piled high with Groundhog day activities and Friday we will celebrate the BIG 100th day of school! (and it sure has flown by!)
Today was all about Cause & Effect (Kindergarten Style!) You know… where students to get to hear a new objective for the VERY first time… never hearing it before! (LOVE these moments!)
I definitely think of Cause & Effect as a difficult concept (depending on how it is taught!)… so I knew I wanted something that would help them grasp this new concept with ease 🙂
Most of us have heard of (and even read!) “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day”… and there is even a movie now… right?!
This book was *perfect* to introduce Cause and Effect because we focused on the ONE main effect of the entire book…. this poor guy was definitely having a rotten day!
The best part…. there were enough “causes” in the story for EVERY single student to share something from the book that would create a cause for the effect of having a bad day!
Having multiple cause and effects within a text can be a *tad* confusing for our younger kiddos! This book is PERFECT because you only have to focus one ONE effect and all of the causes relate to it 🙂
We created this little chart to help us get started:
Dịch vụ nhận đặt hàng trung quốc theo ký chi phí rẻ nhất.
Mua hàng hộ từ trung Quốc về Việt Nam
Nhận Đặt Hàng Quảng Châu Tính Trọng Lượng Giá Cả Rẻ Nhất.
ship hàng quảng châu tính trọng lượng giá cả thấp nhất.
Công ty nhận đặt hàng trung quốc
Thank you so much! My kindergarten students in South Korea will love this!