Hi sweet friends!
So I told myself that I would blog more often, but not so much. With school AND graduate school taking up most of my time, blogging has somehow fallen down on that list. My goal is to get much better with that!
Another week down…..
Can you believe that October will be here in less than a week?! Where in the world is this year going?! We have been having so much fun in the classroom since school started and it’s only getting better!
Have I mentioned that I LOVE my new school?! Everyone is so sweet and works so hard at what they do! I am so happy!
Sorry…got a little sidetracked
With the end of September quickly upon us, that only means one thing! APPLES!! (and hopefully cooler weather)!
We didn’t get as much apple fun is as I would have liked, but we did manage a few fun (and delicious) activities!
This week was ALL about sequencing, so it was only necessary to sequence how to make applesauce!
We have been using our sequence vocabulary all week and the students had to put the words in order:
Love this, thank you for sharing.
The Space Coast Teacher
Perfect timing! We are working on sequence words too. Love your blog.